Hasbro’s Half Playsets: Is Half a Loaf Better Than Nothing?

August 30, 2020 – Hasbro’s unveiling of two new playsets – the Tantive IV modular hallway (announced Aug. 21st) and the Carbon-Freezing Chamber (first sold June 23rd) – was a welcome surprise to most collectors.

But upon closer inspection, it soon becomes apparent that you will need to buy TWO units of each playset to recreate a scene.

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld didn’t actually say these words, but we share the sentiment in this jab at Hasbro for selling half units. (Credit: Chaztheguru@Instagram)

The Carbon-Freezing Chamber ($50), for example, contains only half a circular platform. If you want to recreate the full platform, as seen in The Empire Strikes Back and pictured below, you will need to shell out $100 for the two halves.

To recreate the above symmetrical layout, you will need to buy TWO of the playsets at about $100 total. Each boxed set comes with a stormtrooper and Han Solo in a carbonite block.

Why would Hasbro sell just half a set? It’s all about market psychology and finding the highest price point, at which an ideal number of consumers are willing to pay and which also maximizes Hasbro’s profits. For many, $50 might be barely acceptable, but $100 would be a bridge too far.

Some collectors, such as “Darth Sakul” in a JediTempleArchives discussion, offered some pointed criticism of Hasbro’s Carbon-Freezing Chamber playset:

Hasbro Pulse is using the same pricing strategy for its recently revealed Tantive IV playset ($49.99). Hasbro’s marketing photos suggest buying two or even three units in order to build angled hallways.

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And if you want to recreate the heart-stopping Rogue One scene, where Darth Vader storms aboard the Tantive IV and mercilessly slays the Rebel Fleet Troopers, you will need to purchase two units for an enclosed hallway.

Two modules are combined along with the new 3.75-inch “Rogue One” version of Darth Vader and the all-new Rebel Fleet Troopers.

Each Tantive IV playset comes with a 3.75-inch Rebel Fleet Trooper, so that takes some of the sting out of the high price point.

A savvy consumer might decide to exercise patience and wait for prices to fall, as  happened last year with the Jabba Palace Playset. It comes with two single-carded 3.75″ Vintage Collection action figures – Han Solo (Carbonite) and Ree-Yees – with an MSRP of $49.99. But within months of its release, you could find the playset for half off.