Fan-Made Action Figures: Charred Uncle Owen & Aunt Beru

March 3, 2014 – Oh, my: Another fan-made custom action figure set is up for auction on Ebay. This time it’s the ghastly tongue-in-cheek “Uncle Owen (Charred Remains)” and “Aunt Beru (Charred Remains)” in a scene from the original Star Wars: Episode IV (1977).

charred UncleOwen-AuntBeru-FIGURES

Here is the cardback:
charred UncleOwen-AuntBeru-cardback

Proceeds from the auction go to support maintenance of Rancho Obi-Wan, the world’s largest Star Wars museum. Click here to view the ebay auction or to make a bid.


The Ebay auction ended on March 9, 2014. The winning bid was $711.02 after 24 bids. Oh, the insanity!


Charred LEGO Custom-6
“Lego Custom Cardbacks: Charred Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru”

(February 14, 2015)

“Ebay Auction: Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru Charred Remains” (Sept. 13, 2014)
Charred Remains Ebay

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